Leigh Parish Council acts as a consultee for all planning applications in the parish. Sevenoaks District Council is the planning authority and will decide whether or not an application is granted, taking into consideration comments made by the Parish Council and other consultees, such as Kent Highway Services and The Environment Agency.
Please see details below of planning applications received by the Parish Council, together with our comments as submitted to Sevenoaks District Council.
If you would like to submit a comment to Sevenoaks District Council, either for or against an application, please send a copy to the Clerk of the Parish Council and we will take your comments into consideration whilst discussing the application. The deadline date displayed is our final date for submitting our comments to Sevenoaks District Council. If you would like to know when an application will be considered by the Parish Council, please contact the Clerk.
To view applications on the Sevenoaks District Council website, see http://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications, then enter the application number without the SE prefix, for example 11/02612/FUL, in the search box.