Public Rights of Way

Kent County Council has made changes to their vegetation clearance programme. The schedule is now 60% fixed and 40% reactive. This is due to problems experienced last year when the schedule was 100% fixed with no flexibility. In the Leigh Parish, there is 3,633m. of paths on the fixed schedule, 7 are programmed for one cut, 1 is programmed for two cuts. The reactive part of the programme allows for a further 1,453m. of cutting to take place in the parish. This will take the form of a second round of cutting immediately after the completion of the first schedule. The Parish Council can nominate which paths should be considered for the reactive part of the programme (either not included in the fixed programme or could be a second cut on some fixed schedule paths). If no paths are requested by the Parish Council, then KCC will decide but there are also requests made by the public which will be taken into consideration. If you have any comments or would like to nominate a path for consideration, please contact the Clerk.

The rights of way list below has been split into areas. We then display the path description, and underneath the path number and map reference respectively. 
Alternatively, you can download a Rights of Way list and Map here. 

North Leigh and East (NE)

Birdcage Walk to Leigh Park Farm Cottages
SR410  |  5462 4710

Leigh Park Farm Track to Coppins Rd
SR411  |  5335 4771

The Kennels to Philpots Lane

East Lodge to Lower Street
SR414  |  5492 4665

Price's Wood towards Birdcage Walk
SR415  |  5380 4665

Charcott to Prices Farm
SR415A  |  5260 4705

Price's Wood towards Philpots Lane
SR425  |  5381 4639

Kennards Track to The Plough
SR430  |  5504 4671

Kennards Track to Powder Mill Lane
SR431  |  5517 4657

Hildenborough Rd towards Meopham Bank
SR439  |  5518 4713

Leigh and Powder Mills (SE)

Powder Mill Lane towards Lower Haysden (2)

Ensfield Road towards Lr Haysden
SR429  |  5480 4525

Greenview Avenue to Medway and Upper Haysden
SR432  |  5503 4623

Ensfield Farm to Haysden Lake
SR433  |  5504 4503

Ensfield Farm to Upper Haysden
SR434  |  5510 4509

Powder Mill Lane towards Lower Haysden
SR435  |  5649 4658

Powder Mill Lane towards Lower Haysden (2)
SR435A and SR421A | 5610 4646

Powder Mill Lane to Tonbridge
SR437 and SR437A | 5670 4678

Ensfield Road and West (SW)

Causeway Road throgh Redleaf Woods
SR418  |  5265 466

Cinder Hill Lane to Chiddingstone (1)
SR419  |  5310 4632

Paul's Hill to Cinder Hill
SR422(1)  |  5440 4593

Cinder Hill to Penshurst
SR422(2)  |  5339 4595

Paul's Hill House to Penshurst (1)

Paul's Hill to Penshurst (2)
SR424 (starting on SR423)

Concrete track to Penshurst
SR426  |  5458 4550

Ensfield Bridge to Penshurst
SR427  |  5471 4528

Ensfield Rd past Tapners to Printstile
SR428 Bridleway  |  5482 4520

Cinder Hill Lane to Chiddingstone (2)
SR492  |  5231 4604

Causeway and North (NW)

Sevenoaks Weald to Nizels
SR280  |  5334 5089

Leading from Morleys Road to Nizels Road
SR281  |  5362 5093

Fletcher's Green to Morley Road
SR284  |  5340 5008

Eggpie Lane to Nizels Lane
SR400  |  5380 4977

Nizels Lane towards Fletcher's Green
SR401  |  5469 4949

Greyhound Inn, Charcott towards Halls Green

Wickhurst Farm to Coppins Gill

Coppings Brook to Copping's Gill
SR405  |  5305 4760

Link North of Coppings Farm
SR405A  |  5300 4829

Copping's Road to north of Coppings Farm
SR406  |  5340 4820

Wickhurst Fm towards Coppins Farm
SR407  |  5268 4790

Charcott to Wickhurst Farm

Philpots Lane to Eggpie Road
SR412  |  5386 4852

Crossing Chiddingstone Airfield (1)
SR416  |  5215 4655

Crossing Chiddingstone Airfield (2)
SR417  |  5260 4663

Coppings Brook towards Little Hale
SR504  |  5305 4760